Entry Submission

How to Enter?

Submitting your entries for the Employee Experience Awards is simple and completely online. The entry submission deadline is 14 March 2025 (Fri) at 6pm.To ensure that your entries are submitted successfully and are given the attention they deserve, here are a few items to take note of when preparing your entries.

  • Firstly, download and read the Entry Guidelines. This will guide you through the submission process. Follow the instructions and specific category requirements to ensure your entries are submitted successfully.
  • Please download and use the Core Submission Template provided to prepare your Entry Submission Document without altering/deleting the words in header, 30% of marks will be deducted otherwise.
  • Judges have the authority to mark you down for failure to adhere to the overall 2000-words limit for the entire entry form.
  • You may enter in multiple relevant categories, but please ensure each entry submission form is tailored to the specific category to increase your chances of winning. Do not submit duplicate entry submission forms across multiple categories.
  • All entries, supporting documents, and required items can be submitted via the “I’m Ready to Enter” link at the bottom of this page.
  • Entrants are strongly encouraged to gather all entry materials like photos, videos and charts before starting the entry process.
  • Please ensure that all details you enter into the Entry Details are CONSISTENT with the details on the Core Submission Document you upload.
  • Upon submission deadline, all entry details, including company names, credits and so on, are FINAL and CANNOT be changed and / or transferred to another party.
  • Please include an event photo or image that represents your entry in your submission that can be used on all marketing material, on the screen on the night of the awards, and in the magazine etc.
  • For tips on how to write a winning submission, visit our top 5 tips on writing a winning entry.

Once you’re ready to go, all entries can be submitted via our entry submission page

Submission Deadline
Friday 14 March 2024, 6:00pm.
Judging Criteria

Your entry will be evaluated on the following four key areas, Please refer to the below category criteria listed in the Entry Guidelines to understand the key areas that the judges will be scoring your entry on. Your entry submission should contain a maximum of 2,000 words (total) with evidence to support and address each of the criteria points outlined in the “categories and criteria” section:

* Please ensure each area is fully covered in order to achieve your highest possible score.

Business Challenge – 10%

  • Provide the context of your industry and include the brief background/overview of your company.
  • Include information that demonstrates the implications of the business challenges faced.
  • What were your initial plan/business opportunities you were looking to pursue?
  • How has the challenge(s) pivoted your vision, goal and mission of your HR strategy?
  • What was the company’s overall direction? What kind of support did you get from your top management and line-of-business managers to overcome the challenge?
  • What are some innovative and/or new ideas proposed when brainstorming solutions to tackle the challenge(s)?
  • What is the expected business ROI from the proposed changes?
    Please include some testimonials from peers/senior management/clients.

Strategy – 35%

  • What did you do to transform your business? What were the key objectives?
  • Outline the milestones in your strategy highlighting what worked and what didn’t work. How did you solve the issues that cropped up along the way when you were executing your strategy?
  • Who were your key stakeholders and what channels did you use to communicate the strategy to them? How did you maintain continued support from key stakeholders? What was the acceptance rate?
  • What are some of the USP’s of your transformation strategy? How does this align with your organisational goals? Please include some testimonials.

Impact – 35%

  • What were the primary and secondary results of your strategy? How did your plan affect your organisational culture and goals?
  • What business and commercial benefits did your transformation strategy deliver?
  • What was the feedback from your stakeholders?
  • How did you track the ROI of your impact?
  • Please provide some evidence of success. You may use metrics, anecdotes and case studies.
  • Please include some testimonials from peers/senior management/clients. Feel free to include graphs, charts that will strengthen your business case.

Learning Points – 20%

  • Please identify the top 3 key takeaways from your transformation strategy.
  • What were some gaps in your strategy?
  • What are the strengths that form the foundation of your strategy?
  • What are the future plans that you have in place to further boost this?
  • What are some elements of the strategy that you think is unique to your organisation?
  • Please include some testimonials from peers/senior management/clients. Feel free to include graphs, charts that will strengthen your business case.

Your entry could focus on an existing or a new initiative, programme, campaign, project, etc.

Judging Criteria – Individual category (Most Inspiring Leader)

Your entry will be evaluated on the following four key areas, Please refer to the below category criteria listed in the Entry Guidelines to understand the key areas that the judges will be scoring your entry on. Your entry submission should contain a maximum of 2,000 words (total) with evidence to support and address each of the criteria points outlined in the “categories and criteria” section:

* Please ensure each area is fully covered in order to achieve your highest possible score.

Vision and Goal – 25%

  • What is the name and job title of your nominee? Please provide a brief background about your nominee including experience, personal goals and vision.
  • What are the areas your nominee is responsible for?
  • Please highlight the personality and traits of your nominee. You may include some case study to further elaborate on this. How did these traits benefit the business?
  • How would the nominee’s peers describe him/her?
  • What did your nominee set out to achieve 12 months ago?
  • What are some initiatives/programmes led by this individual from his/her managerial leadership
  • Please include some testimonials from peers/senior management/clients.

Business Contribution – 25%

  • What was the nominee’s contribution to business transformation?
  • What is the communication style of the nominee? Please outline the strengths of your nominee.
  • Who were the nominee’s key stakeholders? How did he/she maintain continued support from key stakeholders?
  • How has your nominee inspired his/her peers? Please share some examples to illustrate this.
  • What are some values that your nominee believes in which has shaped the workplace culture?
  • Please include some testimonials from peers/senior management/clients.

Leadership Impact – 25%

  • What business metrics did your nominee achieve?
  • How does your nominee engage with his/her peers?
  • Describe your nominee’s leadership style and its impact on the team.
  • How has the nominee displayed inspirational traits in his/her leadership? What is the impact?
  • What was the feedback from his/her stakeholders?
  • Please provide some evidence of success. You may use metrics, anecdotes and case studies.
  • Please include some testimonials from peers/senior management/clients.

Future Initiatives – 25%

  • What objectives does your nominee plan to pursue next?
  • Has your nominee’s performance affected the way your organisation approaches workplace transformation?
  • What has your nominee’s performance taught you about what else is achievable?
  • How does your nominee remain as an inspirational leader to your organisation?
  • Please include some testimonials from peers/senior management/clients.


Your entry could focus on an existing or a new initiative, programme, campaign, project, etc that your nominee is working on/ involved in.

  • All categories are open to HR teams in organisations based in North Asia region. All programmes/campaigns/systems/initiatives must have been implemented and carried out for the offices in the Greater China region (Hong Kong, Macau, China and Taiwan), Japan, Korea, etc or for a regional and/or global office – the programme must have been spearheaded by the HR team in North Asia. This allows the awards to celebrate the best HR team in North Asia.
  • All categories are open to HR teams from either privately owned, public listed companies, government or NGOs.
  • All programmes/campaigns/systems/initiatives entered must have been executed or active between the period of January 2024 to January 2025 with demonstrable results. Initiatives or strategies developed and implemented prior to this period are also eligible, provided the results/impact were measured during the eligibility period.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries an organisation may submit. Organisations may submit multiple entries. However, when submitting multiple entries, you are strongly recommended to tailor them based on the requirements of each category.
Fees & Payment

Entry Fee:
HK$1,650 per entry

Payment Methods:
Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX).
Cheques and bank transfers welcome for any amounts over HK$10,000.

* All entry fees are non-refundable. Trophy is not included in the entry fees.

Terms & Conditions
  • All entry fees are non-refundable.
  • Entries will not be considered for judging if payment is not received within five working days upon being invoiced, if invoice is required before payment.
  • Without prior notice, Human Resources Online reserves the right to merge categories or dissolve any categories should it be deemed necessary. Should a category or categories be dissolved, entries in that category/categories will not be refunded.
  • By submitting the entry, the entrants guarantee that all the works/information submitted are TRUE and ACCURATE. Human Resources Online reserves the right to verify any information submitted in the entry.
  • Should your entry be shortlisted, your entry details found on the online registration site will be reflected on the awards website, the screen on the night of the awards, trophy (presented on the awards night, should you win) and any other awards-related materials.
  • Upon submission deadline, all details on the entry submission form, including company names, credits and so on, are FINAL and CANNOT be changed and/or transferred to another party. Details will be reflected on the website, trophy (presented on the awards night, should you win) and/or any other awards-related materials. Any changes made after submission will be charged 10% of the submission fee.
  • Also, please ensure that all details are submitted in ENGLISH only.
  • The judges’ decisions are final.
  • Finalists need to be present, or appoint a representative to be present, at the awards gala dinner in order to receive their trophy(ies) in case they win.
  • Please refer to the full terms & conditions in the Entry Guidelines.
  • Finalists may be featured in Human Resources Online, including but not limited to online channels, offline collaterals and on-site communications, using information from the entries.
  • The entrant agrees that Human Resources Online or Lighthouse Independent Media will not accept responsibility for errors or omissions reproduced in the presentation of the Employee Experience Awards, in Human Resources Online, or for work lost or corrupted under any circumstances.
  • Any specific information or content intended solely for judging purposes must be clearly indicated in red font or highlighted in red and will not be used for publication and will not be disseminated beyond the judging panel in any way.
  • Lighthouse Independent Media and Human Resources Online reserve the rights to use photos, videos or interviews of members of your team or company inclusive of your logo/s, free of any royalty or license.